Thursday, May 7, 2009

Live, Love, Life

I am so-o sorry for not posting in forever. I'll try to post more soon.

One quick question: Has anyone read any of my stories? I think they're pretty good, I'f I say so mysef.

Anyway, hows life for you guys? Any problems? No? Yes? You have absolutely no idea?!
(Pick from above)
How Many of you have broken spirits? LIVE
How many of you broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend recently or he/she broke up with you? LOVE
How many of you are living life to the fullest? LIFE
This is my motto: What can't be proven by your current boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, father, brother, or any other stupid guy, CAN be proven by your you best friend.
Now, check out my fanfiction stories, please! And vise-versa: If you've read my stories, visited my profile, and followed the link here, I congratulate you! You've done as I asked. Thanx! It's good to feel loved... (well, sorta)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Projects Are Horrible


Okay, I'm done now. I want to make sure of one thing, I didn't draw any of those pictures below. They are all from Deviant art!!!!

I want a show of hands that hate school projects... One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... five thousand thirty-four... Well, a lot. My science teacher is making us do a game board project on the chapter we just did. Ugh! I HATE SCHOOL. Just lettin' you know.

I would love it if you people would review for me. Thanx. That is all I have to say at the moment. Oh, and sorry nummywaffles. I do not like the Harry Potter books.

Wingz out

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First of Anime

Thess are a few anime I found on Deviant Art and fell in love with.

This is an awesome comic I saw and loved to death. (second panel: I have... to get... up...) (fourth panel: I have to stand... because...) (fifth panel: ...I am Maximum Ride...) (seventh panel: ...and I will fight to the end!)

Max and Fang

Max and Fang (again)

This is Fang From Maximum Ride (I'm obsessed)
check out this link for my favorite pic. Iggy and the Butterfly
If you've got some pics you want me to put up as "awesome", shoot me the links.

Wingz out

Nothing Much


Hey people. I need followers. Thanx.

I have a link I want you to follow, so follow it for me. It's one of my stories, my longest story right now.

Star's Story:The Beginning

If you do decide to check it out, review on it for me! I would enjoy it. Thanx!

Wingz out

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hey Megan!

Hey Megan!

I want to say hi to you and thanx for coming to read my blog. Oh yeah, and If you want to start posting to, I'll hook you up. Just tell me.

Anyway, I don't want to go back to school. I hate school. Do you? I hope you guys enjoyed the break and I also want to get people to follow my blog, pweese?

I'm once again bored out of my mind, so I'll give a book review.

Maximum Ride series

This series is all about six kids with wings that go and save the world from the evil scientists that created them. If you love action with microscopic romance, this book is for you!


This series is all about a girl who falls in love with a vampire. She would practically go to the end of the world for him. If you love loads of romance and action, this book is for you.

Daniel X

This is about a boy with awesome powers. He takes down the dangerous aliens in our world and saves humanity. If you are an action fanatic, this book is definately for you.

Uglies series

A whole new world comes from this book. Girls start out as "uglies" and for their 16th birthday they become supermodel gorgeous. An "ugly" named Tally gets forced to bring back her friend that escaped this town or else she'll never become gorgeous. Action, fantasy, romance and plenty of other stuff is in this book.


Pretty much the best story about wild cats you can read. Period.

The Land of Elyon
Once again, another world is created. Meet Alexa Daley who is given an amazing gift and then whisked off on an amazing adventure.

This is all I have for now, and I hope you get to readin'!

Wingz Out

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Books Galore!

I'm bored, so bored that I'm posting my favorite books that you should read. I'm a teen, so bear with me.

Maximum Ride
Daniel X
The Land Of Elyon
The Uglies Series
Roman/Greek Mythology (yes I know it's strange for a girl of my age to be into this)

These are my favorite, I read a lot of books. I would love it if you would send me some book titles for me to read (since I'm so bored all of the time)

Wingz out

Gettin' Into the Holiday Spirit


And to those that don't celebrate Christmas, happy days off of school.

Well, I hate it when my friends and I fight. I mean, come on! What friends fight over candy canes?! coughmeandmyfriendscoughcough What type of friend gives a gift and asks for one in return? Or worse, what friend asks for a gift without giving one first?

I've had a rough week. Period. It goes like this. I say something. Someone else turns my words around. That person makes someone mad at me for it. They yell, I yell, it's all a big fat mess.

Anyway, I still can't believe Christmas is almost here. I can't wait. Still no offence to to those that don't celebrate it.

If you are really bored, as in super bored, read some of my fanfiction.

Wingz out.